Monday, August 22, 2011

Year 5, 1st Day

So... today started like any other first day of school... hectic!!! We are starting this year with a new behavior system, a new curriculum for math and reading, and a new teacher in our grade level. All of those are great until they come at you at one time. The new teacher is awesome, and is going to do a great job once the "first day jitters" are behind her. The new curriculum is OK just something to get used to after teaching the same thing for all the other years I've been teaching. The new behavior system is what's hard because when you get used to using one set of rules and you know them like the back of your hand, it's a little difficult to remember all the cutesy new tricks.

Cutesy trick #1: The hip and lip ~ One hand on your hip and the other hand has a finger on your lips.

So far that's the only one that I've gotten down with my 1st graders lol...

I also have a great group of kids this year! Only 16 so far, but I know there will be more. A girl I teach with only has 14, so she'll be the one to get the new kids first. :)

I do have one little girl that will be mentioned probably quite often throughout the year if I keep this up (which I haven't in the past). She will be my trying one who will push all the buttons she can think of to push to see which one will make me explode! Just in one day I have learned that she has ZERO filtering system and no mute button. She has the best manners I've ever seen in a 1st grader, and she knows all the rules backwards and forwards like she's been going to school here forever (she's new this year). I guess it doesn't matter how well you know the rules if you won't use them. We'll see how tomorrow goes, but I think I might be developing a twitch with her name written all over it! :)

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