Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Do as I say, not as I do...

It is so funny to me how kids can know their manners and rules backwards and forwards, but when it comes to following them, they fly out the window. I have two kids (that you will probably hear about a lot!) that are so respectful and ready to retell the rules to me when I ask, but will not follow the rules that they know by heart.

I have one little girl who could probably teach the class for me, and we're probably going to have authority issues before the year is over. She loves to remind me of the rules and she is a huge fan of correcting her classmates when she needs to be following the rules herself. It's pretty entertaining and I try to praise her for being helpful while kindly reminding her that she needs to do those same things she's telling her friends to do.

I also have a little boy that has the biggest vocabulary I've ever heard, and I know he must have heard a lot of adults talking around him for quite some time. Today we were talking about a "store" that we're going to have at school for the kids to spend their "bucks" on that they earn for good behavior. He was telling the class about all the things that a former "store" had and he said, "...and for goodness sake, I can't even think of all the things that were in it because it was so big!" I laughed out loud at that one, and he says those things with the most serious face. Very funny!

Day 2 went well considering I'm still not used to this new curriculum. I like it, but it's a lot to learn! I'll keep pressing on and doing my best... My kids are learning so many new things and doing such a great job remembering them from one day to the next. We'll see if they keep up all year because we're not slowing down at all! I've got a great group, and I'm excited about this year!

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