Monday, August 29, 2011

Easy Button

Yeah... there is no such thing when it comes to 1st graders! I have a little girl who shall remain nameless, but anyone who knows me personally has heard and will hear her name regularly as she is the one pushing every button she can find. She argues, interrupts, bosses the other students around, and generally drives everyone up the wall with her mouth (which runs constantly). I'm at my wits end and it's only the 6th day! Not sure what to do... I'm gonna have to pull out the big guns and think of everything I've ever done to deal with trouble children.

On a lighter note, my 16 darlings (including the one noted before) are very sweet children. I know that any time they act out it's because they are starved for attention. It's the case every year...

I also have one little boy that I have mentioned before who also loves to push buttons... He and I are acquiring an understanding though and he's mature enough to understand that even though I fuss at him, I still love him very much and that I just want him to behave so he and everyone else can learn. He has a very dry sense of humor and always has a come back. He has by far the quickest wit I've EVER seen in a 6-year old! He's very fun to banter with and I think that that's my saving grace when it comes to disciplining him.

Week 2 is under way and I'm sure there are loads of adventures ahead... We've already had a few!

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