Tuesday, August 30, 2011

The Flattery of a 6-year old

I don't know if they've noticed or not, but today is the first day that my students have said anything major about my glasses. One of them asked why I wear them, while another student pointedly answered, "Because she's blind." I told her that I'm not blind, and that I just need them to see when I read. The kids wanted to know why I wear them all the time then, and I said because I'll lose them if I don't wear them all the time. Then they wanted to see what I look like without them, so I took them off. A few of them that don't deal well with change said, "Put them back on. You look better with them on!" One of my boys that I've mentioned before (the one with no filtering system) proceeded to say that if he was a little older and I went without my glasses all the time, that he'd be my husband! I asked him if I should tell my boyfriend that he has some competition where they quickly got distracted and wanted to know about my boyfriend... Talk about short attention span! :) Oh, he got a big grin on his face after I asked him about talking to my boyfriend. Quite funny!

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