Sunday, March 7, 2010

Can I pull your tooth?

So I was talking to my mom, and I recalled a funny story about one of my afternoon kids when they first moved here...

His first day of school could have been quite traumatic if it had been any other kid...

These kids come to me right after recess, and one of my girls came up to me and was telling me about a loose tooth. I could see that it was hanging by a thread, and so I asked her if she wanted the nurse to pull it or if she wanted me to pull it. She didn't hesitate and said she wanted me to pull it. So, I went and got a paper towel and popped the tooth out for her. The new boy witnessed this whole event take place, and I walked up to him after I had thrown the paper towel away and asked him if he'd let me pull his next loose tooth.

Now most kids will automatically say an emphatic NO... But he sat there and thought about it... the wheels were obviously turning in his head. He looked back up at me and said with utter confidence, "Yeah... I think I will." He was so serious about it that I just had to laugh.

It's been a few months now since he came to my room and he came in from recess telling me about a tooth he had lost. I of course remembered his first day of school and with mock shock I said, "But I thought you were gonna let ME pull your next loose tooth!" He looked at me with a surprised look like he remembered that day as well and said with a gasp, "I forgot!!!" Then he looked upset that he had forgotten and promised me that I would get to pull the next one!

I had forgotten about that story, but it was definitely a high point!

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