Tuesday, March 23, 2010

You have GOT to come look at this!

One of my boys was on a computer program to help improve their reading, and he said, "Miss Glover, you have GOT to come and look at this!" So I walked over there and he told me to watch this little video that goes with a song. It was a cupid carrying a valentine, and of course the cupid was only wearing something to cover up the bottom half of them! I said, "Those crazy naked babies!" He rolled his eyes and said, "Yeah..."

It was very funny!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Double Whammy

Alright so I've got 2 things to share this time...

The first thing is how kids think that once they start learning about something, they know everything there is to know about the subject. For example, I team with another girl who teaches the math, science, and social studies part of life while I teach the reading/language arts part of it, and right now in math they're learning how to tell time. So my afternoon group walks in the room, and they sit down and stare at the clock. Not all of them by any means, but those who really think they've got it down are giving that clock the once (or twice) over. One of them looks up at me and says, "Miss Glover, what time is it?" I glance up at the clock, and let them know it's 12:35. They look at me with shocked expressions and shout, "How did you know so fast?!?"

The second thing is the things that kids pick up on when it comes to appearances. I mean all first graders are gonna be shorter than me (unless they flunked a few times, or are like giant people)... I'm only 5' 6"! But today one of my taller girls looked at me and said, "Miss Glover! You're tall today!" I, of course, was wearing heels... I looked back at her and said, "Girl, I've gotta do something to stay ahead of you!" She thought that was absolutely ridiculous and said, "Oh, Miss Glover!" with a shake of her head... I just love what they notice!

Monday, March 15, 2010

I am SO not in the mood...

It's so interesting what kids pick up on... You work all day long to try and teach them the things they need to know to succeed in life, but it's not always what they latch on to...

I was listening to a few of my kids playing school during some free time, and I noticed one of my girls was being the "teacher." I sat there working on something at my desk, and they totally didn't realize I was hanging on every word they were saying. The "teacher" was using phrases that I use every day! It was so funny! It took everything in me to not just laugh out loud (lol) literally! :)

Apparently I'm teaching my kids how to teach!

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Can I pull your tooth?

So I was talking to my mom, and I recalled a funny story about one of my afternoon kids when they first moved here...

His first day of school could have been quite traumatic if it had been any other kid...

These kids come to me right after recess, and one of my girls came up to me and was telling me about a loose tooth. I could see that it was hanging by a thread, and so I asked her if she wanted the nurse to pull it or if she wanted me to pull it. She didn't hesitate and said she wanted me to pull it. So, I went and got a paper towel and popped the tooth out for her. The new boy witnessed this whole event take place, and I walked up to him after I had thrown the paper towel away and asked him if he'd let me pull his next loose tooth.

Now most kids will automatically say an emphatic NO... But he sat there and thought about it... the wheels were obviously turning in his head. He looked back up at me and said with utter confidence, "Yeah... I think I will." He was so serious about it that I just had to laugh.

It's been a few months now since he came to my room and he came in from recess telling me about a tooth he had lost. I of course remembered his first day of school and with mock shock I said, "But I thought you were gonna let ME pull your next loose tooth!" He looked at me with a surprised look like he remembered that day as well and said with a gasp, "I forgot!!!" Then he looked upset that he had forgotten and promised me that I would get to pull the next one!

I had forgotten about that story, but it was definitely a high point!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

If my teacher isn't coming to school, I'm not either...

So I was talking to a mom after school today, and I mentioned that I wasn't gonna be there tomorrow. She got real quiet and said, "Does JC know that?" I said, "No, she doesn't." The mom then laughed under her breath, and said, "Good because then she'd think she could stay home too!"

I think it's so funny how kids want to be so grown-up all the time... They want all the privileges and benefits of being a grown up... Little do they know!