Tuesday, February 23, 2010

What's in a name???

It's so funny to me how kids can totally screw up any teacher's name... even the simple ones... My name is not that difficult to remember (Miss Glover), but inevitably a child will come up with an alternate name to call me. I think I had been hearing this boy in my afternoon class call me this numerous times before, but it struck me as hilarious today... He calls me Glove... Not Miss Glove, but Glove... That may not be funny to anyone else, but if you had met this kid who has the best comic timing, you'd understand why this is so funny! All of a sudden if he has a question he'll say, "Hey, Glove!" His last name is Salinas, so when he calls me Glove I call him Sal... Another boy in the same class tried to call me Glove (it wasn't near as funny by the way...) and I called him Cam (his last name is Camarillo)... He said, "That's not my name!" And I quickly replied, "Well, my name isn't Glove either!" Just a random funny moment of my short day with my darlings!

Oh... here's a picture of the toy that one of my girls gave me for Valentine's Day... My cat thinks it's amazing as well! :)

Monday, February 22, 2010

The Littlest Things...

It's so funny what kids come up with as presents. Sometimes it's something silly like a paper clip or a rubber band that they think you JUST HAVE TO HAVE! But sometimes it's something as small as a vending machine toy... you know... the ones that come in the plastic containers with the lids that are almost impossible to get off... One of my girls gave me one of those for Valentine's Day, and amazingly enough, it has been quite amazing! It's like a stress ball but so much more entertaining... I'll post a picture of this toy (they call it "The Spider") in a day or so... When my kids think I'm stressing, they'll go get "The Spider" and hand it to me because they know that I need something to get my mind of what's going wrong. They have moments where they drive me absolutely crazy, but it's moments like these when I realize that the bad moments don't have to outdo the good ones...

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Big Personalities

This is only my third year to teach, but I can honestly say that I have not met any kids who have more personality than my kids this year... This blog is meant to share their personalities with you... To share what I get to see and spend time with every day... I don't know if you'll find them as amazing as I do, but I can't let moments like these go unnoticed...

I have not laughed, cried, and been more frustrated and ecstatic than I have this year... These kids have caused me to have more emotional outbursts than I've ever had in my life... But I have not felt so many "ah-ha" moments than I have with these kids... Do they always act the way they're supposed to? No. Do they always listen when I want them to? No. But do they surprise me every day with things that I didn't think were sinking in? Yes. When I don't think that they're paying a lick of attention... When I don't think that I'm doing my best by them... When they drive me to the end of my patience... They surprise me with their thoughts, their answers, and their awesomeness...

Let the joy of sharing them with you begin!