Monday, October 3, 2011

All Day Convo

The other day one of my students informed me that I look weird without my glasses. I asked for a clarification... weird or different? He said just different...

A few minutes later, another boy asked me why I haven't been wearing my glasses. I told him because they're broken. He then asked when I'm getting new ones. I explained that I have to go to the eye doctor so he can make new lenses for my frames. I also told him that I was ready to make an appointment because my head has been hurting since I've stopped wearing them.

Later on in the day, when we were not anywhere close to talking about my glasses, another boy asked out of the blue, "How many weeks until you go to the eye doctor?"

Apparently my glasses and the headaches I've been having because I haven't had them are a bigger concern to my 6-year olds than I thought!

1 comment:

  1. That's really sweet! Kids can be so considerate at the most surprising times!
